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Survey: Global Position on Integrated Thinking

Survey: Global Position on Integrated Thinking

Descarcati Sample Message Integrated Thinking Survey




About This Issue: Crisis Resilience 


Crisis resilience is the ability to resist, react to, and recover from a devastating disruption — terrorism attack, earthquake, product contamination, and system failure— and modify an environment to increase security and sustainability. Events of this magnitude provide a profound threat to an organization's future.


Download in: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), English, French, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish.


A PATRA CONFERINTA ANUALA A IIA SERBIA Serbia, Vršac: 14-15 mai 2015. „Internal Auditing: Reputation and Trust - Path to Quality“


Pentru mai multe detalii apasati aici

Noutati de la Conferinta Internationala IIA - Sydney, Australia/ 23-26 iulie 2017


Global LeadersLink


Your Action Requested





Save the Date: Global Council 2018 in Panama City, Panama 

Mark your calendar now for The IIA’s annual Global Council from 4–7 February 2018 in vibrant and diverse Panama City, Panama. During the event, delegates can expect insightful presentations, engaging discussions, peer-to-peer networking opportunities and a tour of one of the largest cities in Central America. 

Learn more about Global Council.


Waived Application Fee for CRMA or CCSA in August 

From 1–31 August, The IIA is waiving the application fee for two of its specialty certifications, the Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) and the Certification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA). With a potential savings of up to US$230*, this is a great opportunity for your Affiliate to leverage the certifications toolkit to promote these two certifications during the month of August. 

Learn more about the application fee waivers and how to promote to your members.
*This offer applies only to the CRMA and CCSA application fee. Other restrictions apply. 








For Your Information





Certification Program and Exam Extension

Help your members achieve their certification goals. Candidates seeking an IIA certification may obtain a Program or Exam Registration extension to help them achieve certification. Details on how to obtain an extension can be found on Certification Program Extension web page.



The New Audit Executive Center Is Here

The IIA launched the new Audit Executive Center offering more of what internal audit leaders need to succeed with a new, easy-to-navigate website and enhanced content to support chief audit executives (CAEs) in responding to the unique challenges, emerging risks, and increasing demands of the profession. 

Watch the video to learn more about these enhancements.




Affiliate Resource of the Month 




How Mature Are Your Affiliate’s Advocacy Efforts?

Advocacy is an important and necessary task to ensure that clear and consistent understanding of the value of internal auditing prevails around the world. The IIA’s Advocacy Maturity Self-Assessment Tool serves as a guide for Affiliates to better understand their level of maturity. Tools and resources included in the advocacy toolkit, such as the advocacy planning tool, can then be used to enhance local advocacy efforts. 

Download the tool and guide.  



For Sharing With Your Members



Savings in July: 20% off The Internal Auditor’s Guide to Risk Assessment

Whether you are a staff auditor, a new CAE, or a business professional rotating into an internal audit assignment, this book will equip you to conduct your organization’s risk assessments. Log in to save!

Use promo code AFFILIATE to save 20% on this title by 31 July 2017.



Live Streaming From the 2017 International Conference

Unable to attend The IIA’s International Conference in Sydney, Australia from 23–26 July? Now you have the opportunity to live video stream the general sessions. As an IIA member, you can experience world-class headline speakers direct from the Conference right from your computer. 

Learn more.

Free Report for Members: Build a Crisis-ready Culture

Crisis resilience is the ability to resist, react to, and recover from a devastating disruption. Events of this magnitude provide a profound threat to an organization’s future. Internal audit is in a unique position to help the organization prepare, and move from crisis aware to crisis resilient.

Available for download in 8 languages.


Auditing Cyber Resiliency

Cyber resiliency shifts the paradigm away from defense toward withstanding a hack and returning to business operations. To achieve these goals, IT functions must identify the aspects of cybersecurity that focus on resiliency, and internal auditors must determine the areas in which they can provide assurance and consulting value. 

Read James Reinhard's article in Internal Auditor magazine.

NEW QA Manual, Aligned With IPPF

The revised edition of the Quality Assessment Manual for the Internal Audit Activity aligns with the new IPPF and Standards updates. It’s the go-to QAIP resource, with enhancements suggested by leading internal auditors to streamline the process.

Get your copy today!



Upcoming Events





14–16 August 

Johannesburg, South Africa  

IIA–South Africa's National Conference 



21–22 August

Mexico City, Mexico 

IIA–Mexico's National Conference



24–25 August

San Jose, Costa Rica 

IIA–Costa Rica’s National Conference



27–29 August 

Panama City, Panama  

IIA–Panama's National Conference



5–7 September

Santiago, Chile

IIA–Chile's National Annual Conference



20–22 September

Basel, Switzerland

2017 ECIIA Annual Conference



24–27 September

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

IIA–Canada’s National Annual Conference





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