The May 10, 2008, issue of ITAudit, The IIA's premier information technology (IT) resource for internal auditors, is now available. The topics and guidance featured in this issue will help enhance auditors’ knowledge of IT.
Click on the link below for instant access to the following articles:
Using GAIT for PCI Compliance
As organizations fine-tune their PCI compliance initiatives -- or begin their PCI compliance journey -- internal auditors can provide much-needed help by using the steps outlined in the GAIT methodology.
Auditing IT Project Management
By actively participating in the IT project management life cycle, internal auditors can improve the quality and effectiveness of critical business applications, while keeping costs to a minimum.
Evaluating SAP Controls for Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Internal auditors can play a vital role helping small and mid-size organizations achieve Sarbanes-Oxley compliance by optimizing the audit of IT general controls in SAP processes.
Also, check out our regular departments for the latest IT and audit information:
New Developments
Security still a major concern; shift needed in data protection; moving toward enterprise mobility; planning physical access projects.
IT and Audit News
Virtual attacks to come; new code penalizes fraud victims; Microsoft releases trade secrets; new credit card software rules now available.
IIA Technology Updates
The Institute of Internal Auditors announces XBRL initiatives.
Leading Edge Practices
Learn about the extensible business reporting language, more commonly known as XBRL.
Member Profile
Meet Peggy Surat, senior information systems auditor with EDS.
ITAudit is sponsored by:
TeamMate™ Audit Management System
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If you have comments, suggestions, article ideas, or would like to submit an article for ITAudit, e-mail the editor, Raquel Filipek.
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Copyright 2008, The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc. (The IIA)